Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Happy Birthday to me !!
haha..genap umur aku yang ke 22..tanx to all pma members yg mengingati hari jadi aku..xsngka ade org engt gak..mhal tu kek ni..rm90...wlaupun keje, tp still ade mse nk celebrate...terharu aku...yg kimak nye, no plate moto kriss lame aku pon ade org mmg terbaik !!
tanx guys, friends forever.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Emotionally focused therapy (EFT)
its about 2.43 a.m now n i still cant sleep.i try lay down my body on the bed n my mind keep thinking about her.i dont know y, its just like somethin might gonna change btween the two of us.either its a good news or a bad news, i still cant get it.we both knew this problem will not get through us unless we solve it clearly.this year, i thought it will be smooth for my finance without paying any debt(except for car)..n can continue use my money for some good things the end year 2012, i`ve been shocked by the department of mara that they will not continue to gve the money as they said that the aggreement was end by November 2012, so the rest of money have been stopped completely.i read again the agreement and the payment should end by the end year 2012 which mean on December.dis is totally sucks ...i really dont know what to do...hurm.
all i do is just for trully one.i hope u will understand what i`ve tried to explain on the phone.its not easy to be a man that really love u,care about u at all the time. i need a space of time to make all this things done as a need to worry about me.just take a good care of yourself.keep our pormise, dont ever lie every single things u do.nite, sweetheart.
i still remember the song,
''karam aku dilautan duka,bila wajahmu hilang dimata, tiada berita pengubat rindu, dikala sendu''
-zabarjad - karam dilautan duka
on the bus,
road to Pantai Chenang, Langkawi.
all i do is just for trully one.i hope u will understand what i`ve tried to explain on the phone.its not easy to be a man that really love u,care about u at all the time. i need a space of time to make all this things done as a need to worry about me.just take a good care of yourself.keep our pormise, dont ever lie every single things u do.nite, sweetheart.
i still remember the song,
''karam aku dilautan duka,bila wajahmu hilang dimata, tiada berita pengubat rindu, dikala sendu''
-zabarjad - karam dilautan duka
on the bus,
road to Pantai Chenang, Langkawi.
Melayu, Islam & sekarang
pantang betul aku kalau dgr bab2 racist ni. lagi2 kalau berkait dengan agama ni. tak dicipta kepelbagaian beragama untuk bermusuhan sesama s...
Firman Allah di dalam Al-Quran bermaksud: "Kaum lelaki adalah pemimpin kaum wanita". Ayat ini jelas menunjukkan kepada kita bahawa...
From the first time we met, I knew we would be friends You had a different air than others that I knew I am also alone in this world I’ve co...